2011年12月17日 星期六

Puli Winery

Located in Puli Township of Nantou County, the Puli Winery is home to one of the eight national wines in Taiwan, the Shaosing Rice Wine. As implied by its name, it was originally produced in Shaosing, in China’s Zhejiang province. Where it was made and fermented from high-quality sticky rice, barley and distilled water. And since Puli offers warm weather and sweet, clear water, the Puli Winery has come to be known for producing excellent quality of Shaosing Rice Wine with bright yellow texture and unique fragrance. 

The winery uses its own improved method of making the wine, sealed tightly and stored in earthen jar for 30 months, and for some higher-quality Shaosing Rice Wine, at least 60 months are waited for storage. Since the strict quality control and the fine water from Ailan springs, the wine produced here are superior quality with long-lasting taste.

   opening hours:

Monday to Friday08:30 A.M. ~ 17:00 P.M.
08:30 A.M. ~ 17:30 P.M.

By Car:
(From North) Freeway 1
Exit at the Taichung Port (Zhonggang) Interchange Provincial Highway 74 (Taichung- Changhua Expressway) Provincial Highway 14 Caotun Puli.

(From South) Freeway 3
Exit at the Caotun Interchange Provincial Highway 14 Caotun Puli.

By Bus:
1. Take Guoguang (Kuokuang) Bus from Taipei West Station to Puli.
2. Take Nantou Bus from Taichung Station to Puli.
3. Take Fenglong Bus from Shueili to Puli.

